Volunteering Creates Happiness
Gail Joseph, National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning: Teacher Time, shared research that says if you volunteer once a month, you may increase your happiness by 7%. If you volunteer on a weekly basis, you can increase your happiness by 16%. Are you too busy? Studies also show that people who volunteer actually feel as though they have more time…it’s a concept called “time affluence.”
Community members interested in volunteering for the Head Start / Early Head Start program may contact the Site Manager in their community by accessing PGCCS locations under the About Us tab. You may also call the Community Development Director for more information about supporting your local Head Start / Early Head Start Program.
Volunteer opportunities include:
Working directly with the children in a classroom setting
Providing additional support and supervision during field trips and community events
Supporting the program through activity preparation, facility repairs, and assistance with landscaping
Donation for supplies (list provided by Site Manager)
Volunteer Coordinator
Carla Ramsey
1183 E Cottonwood Lane Suite 2
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
(520) 316-4501

support us

parent policy council
If you are interested in leadership, then Policy Council is for you.
You will be elected by your peers to represent them or be elected by the full Council if interested in being a community volunteer Council member. Training is provided on the roles and responsibilities of being a Council member. More information is also available at the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC). Or contact Katrina Relph-Mueller@pgccs.org.
Policy Council reviews and makes decisions about:
Policies and procedures
Grant requests
The main role of a Policy Council representative is to:
Stay informed on issues that come to the Policy Council.
Attend monthly meetings and site family activity events.
Alert staff about issues that could harm the organization.
Refer complaints to the correct person.
Represent Head Start of Pinal / Gila County in a professional manner at all times.
Help other parents become involved and stay informed.
Advocate for continued expansion of Head Start in Pinal / Gila County.
Listen carefully and respect the opinions of others.
Respect and support the majority decision of the Policy Council.